Althéa 3 DIVA
As a woman you can retain your seductive femininity in spite of the years...

This is a combined YIN and YANG cream which can be applied on its own because it contains the twin properties of yin and yang. For best results, it should be used in combination with one of the Yang serums: natural, stretching, Althéa-Elast or Golden Amber.

Warm a small quantity of the cream on your fingertips and apply with gentle pressure but without rubbing. The action stretches and regenerates all skin types.

Providing a wonderful feeling of comfort and suppleness, this a balanced cream which acts through its rehydrating and calming properties. Active ingredients include Shea butter from Africa and the amino acid proline which provide a powerful regenerating and elasticizing effect as well as action to re-oxygenate the skin tissue.

50 ml jar
Princesse des Dunes
Poussières d'Étoiles
Émulsion dermosome

Skin type

Altheagrey products are conceived around the principles of complementarity and alternation. You will find on the right the product best suited to assure the right skincare for you.
For detailed information about complementarity and alternation, click
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